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Preparation of Sustainable Living Curriculum

It is a five module online course on protecting the planet for 12-16 year olds. It is designed for use in schools or as extracurricular activity I.e with an adult guiding the students. The first two modules are ready for testing, and we hope to get constructive feedback from teachers and students - he the student agency - so we can improve it before we launch the full five module course. It is free of charge as it is sponsored by the EU commission. This is the curriculum for the first two modules: MODULE 1: - The Road to Agenda 2030 - Human Rights - the Social Pillar - The Global Economy - the Economic Pillar - Sustainable Development - the Environmental Pillar - Agenda 2030 - The Sustainable Development Goals   MODULE 2: Our Plant at Risk - Humanity at a crossroad between the Holocene and the Anthropocene - Planetary boundaries and tipping points - Human action/inaction is fundamental - Building the future we want


JOBA helps Let's Act project funded by the European Union to identify potential teachers, schools and management who will help achieve their target. 'Let's Act!' seeks to educate, motivate and enable students in creating a more sustainable world, as it is our belief that young people are crucial in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals . For more information, please click: 1. Malaysia                                 School name: Bandar Sri Sendayan Primary Tamil School , Malaysia.                                   Person in charge: Mrs .Elesabth Mary Mathalamuthu Email: cc: 2. Kenya                                       School name: MICO Integrated Academy  Address: 104501-00101 Nairobi- Kenya     Teacher selected: Mr. Harris K. Okode.   Tel: 0728 488 400.                                Email: 3. India Agency name: Native Medicare Charitable Trust  Address: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India Email: 4. India School name: Kalpathru Global School Address: Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India Email:

Dr. Pia Lovengreen, Italy

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Inspiring Natural Living

John Britto Academy


Registered in Australia: ASIC under section 33(8) of BNR Act 2011

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