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First Get together - Marutham Farm - 12th and 13th March 2022

Writer's picture: John Britto ParisuthamJohn Britto Parisutham

Report by Mr. Santiago, JOBA, Country Leader - India

I reached Madurai just half an hour back. Immediately I wanted to write this message to you (Mr. John Britto) when thoughts are afresh and pristine. - Environment - The magic of creativity through a relaxed mindset and a get together planned in a natural environment of closeness with each other what it can make was something a revelation, hopefully not only to me but each one of our friends I believe and would agree with me.

This is I think because of each one mindfulness for making life more and more meaningful and relevant in space and time. Specially triggered by you dear Britto consistently over time by your friendship and journeying together holding in high respect and recognition, the uniqueness and best of every one at a given time and context. This is the gift of humanity, very few understand and enjoy making life more and more wonderful with the depth of its peace and tranquility. Bit philosophical but true.

Let me be bit more pragmatic now. First impressions The environment of your farm made me in close contact with the nature with all its diversity and beauty. The very first sight seeing the preparation of food that too Azhagu with the people in your farm assured me of my life security in the next days. Your farm house with the wide verandah, the high ceiling hall and the kitchen with the island table broadened my mind and of course our soul connection over long years ever makes me enjoy my inner freedom.

I never thought you would start building greater togetherness of all ages including the cute child with the game of sequence that triggered ease and intellect of every one of us. That's the uniqueness of you dear Britto which I always admire. More thoughtful and mindful ahead of every one. It’s a kind of missionary zeal. I have been telling you this, hope you remember when you started 3G.

The walk through the full your grown paddy field and the pump-set bathing smashed even the bit of mind barrier with each one us. Four Pillars of JOBA - Discussion The depth of interaction in the evening on the four pillars of JOBA is still taking me to my own depth of being and becoming, my own true self. Hopefully this has been the experience of every one of us in the meeting.

I find this meeting is provocative, exploratory, reflective and contemplative combined with the next day articulation with our two friends joined lately. Let me bit now contemplate. No any living or non living being on this planet earth lives for itself. Any living being on this planet earth including human species though it takes from Nature and its bounty which is natural is ONLY to give itself including human species back to this planet earth including the fellow beings, take for example that came in the meeting TREES.

The enterprises specially of human species over time in history name it as agriculture the key word came in the meeting, fish culture, permaculture, flower culture, fruit culture, cattle rearing and husbandry or whatever and that of machine tools, management and science and technology etc NONE of them is for itself. When we realise this wisdom in its true meaning and depth that's what I call it Sustainable Living.

I still hold this key two letter phrase Sustainable Living - specially in the context of human aspiration which is transcendental reality which we call as spirituality that nothing in this planet earth is dead forever or ended and it only changes its form due to its physical and chemical qualities. செயற்கை vs இயற்கை and vice versa. The other two letter phrase Sustainable Livelihood, I think it's more of economic and political. When Sustainable Living become the philosophy it leads to Universal Values that we find particularly in Tamil Culture யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளீர், பிறப்பொக்கும் எல்லா உயிர்க்கும்... Still many more such values came in the meeting.

When we talk about Life Skills, its precisely we may discern it is the skill of not only taking from Nature and its bounty which is natural in a given context, time, education and opportunity which are being addressed in economic and political sense as each community and society wants Power and authority, it is the other side of the Life Skills that JOBA is interested in and committed as it's the truth of any living beings and its wisdom of ethics and morality with its true meaning.

Creative Art is to communicate and spread this truth and wisdom starting with the children, family and wider society. Making it truely this history and culture of human species for Sustainable Living or we can say in spiritual or moral term Eternal Living. Let me stop with this contemplation for the time being. Hear the voice recording of our meeting to put it much more taking into the key words that emanated.

Saminatha Siddhar Madam, Vadakkaravayal While மருதம் Farm of Britto made us all realise each one of us being part of the Nature, its diversity and beauty Vadakkaravayal village situated adjacent to the farm gave us a human touch. The spiritual tradition of Saminatha Siddhar amply given a shape of a small temple that has a history of association and promotion by Britto's ancestors specially of his good parents, பரிசுத்தம் family goes to say about their life with Siddhar culture and spirituality which is unique to Tamil tradition.

Very thoughtfully with all humanness அன்னதானம் to the children and their aged of Vadakkaravayal was organised by Britto where we felt the joy of sharing சக்கரை பொங்கல், புளியோதரை and சுண்டல். It was a wonderful feeling tasting பிரசாதம் with the people. Siddhar spirituality of human equality, dignity and wisdom of higher ideals of living with the Nature with all simplicity and spontaneity was so inspiring and exciting to me and all of us. Herbal plants in மருதம் Farm Dhanalakshmi, the care taker of மருதம் Farm took us around and God knows how many plants she showed us and explined about its use for a healthy disease free life.

Our friends complimented with more information about the plants. I must also say here almost we have plucked all the tender coconuts in at least 6-7 trees..many more, I remember when coming to the farm on the first day asked to help a youth to locate the farm, he said it's the farm with lots of coconut trees, coconut groove whichade me to locate it so easily. This was the case for all our friends, I hope.

JOBA Malaysia School Leaders Forum - Discussion Our next online meeting with Mano sir, me was at a loss and was not so confident about the subsequent meeting with the HMs. Thank God we could get a speaker and the meeting was so interesting..and inspiring.

Just again our mindfulness and conviction and commitment very ably and professionally facilitated by you dear Britto made the day. I was amazed about each one contribution with all sincerity. 45 minutes meeting went on almost for one and half hour. So motivating and inspiring the interest of the Schools and HMs very well prepared and all ground work done and being done by Mano sir..hats off to him.

Ultimately it's for larger good with larger ideals around many creative and innovative activities of Healthy Food campaign of our proposed 3Ps International Clubs. It seems all the participating HMs are highly interested and inspired. This means there are lots of things in our shoulders and hopefully we will enjoy doing in the days and months ahead. You are there dear Britto as a spider ever engaged in cob web linking the past present and the future - of course me and others provide the nectar and the fluid. Finally Final session though sun was shutting down no one felt moving from their chairs - had to close it with bit heavy heart as we are all human being.


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Inspiring Natural Living

John Britto Academy


Registered in Australia: ASIC under section 33(8) of BNR Act 2011

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